
Mobil Rom Services

Motorola SBM

Motorola Brits and beyond - photos, etc.

CGG Adbance Innovation - Spice Rack

SME Development

Both a start-up and a 15 year old stagnating business, if they need to drive growth, they have to clarify the direction to take and get the discipline to set priorities and do something about them. Create and launch new products, satisfy new categories of clients, revitalise the organisation would appear on the "to do list".

Research and Development Activity Structuring


For a bigger structure, the alignment of what the business aims at with what the R&D ecosystem potential can create and deliver is essential.

Business Units Organization Adaptation


New country, new environment, new challenges.

Diversity of inspiration sources can provide those fresh ideas and unexpected examples that will make a difference in all the situations above. 

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East - West 

North - South

Romania and France, Rwanda and Great Brittain, Italy and the US - different longitudes, latitudes and ways of making things work. All good, all bad - in their special ways.

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Structured - Agile

Large - Small

A $40 billion, or even a $4 billion corporation is forced to be equipped with rigourous processes and risks becoming a giant with clay feet. A $4 million operation or a start-up might do things simpler, faster but not necessarily more efficient and certainly less secure. Is there a right blend between how the two types operate? One has to get the right "winemaker" to find out.

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Hi-Tech - Lo-Tech

Domain to Domain

Telecommunications, Oil and Gas, Sports - they look like worlds apart but there are transposable gems from one area to another.

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